Thursday, January 24, 2008


I love the snow, this is this weeks theme but the second one I added to show we were the only ones out on the I-5 near the grapevine, it was cool being the only ones out on a major freeway. The snow started coming down pretty heavy so we had to get out of there before we got stuck.


Amy said...

Oh my, you can have as much of my snow as you want...I have tons! Really like your second photo!

Auntie Em said...


Mandy said...

Wow! I really love the photos that people are getting from the road. The second one is my favorite. I also really love the snow, however, I am ready for it to leave now for sure.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the second photo...what a great b/w conversion also!

Becky said...

My DH is a nut who likes driving in the snow. Nice shots.

robin said...

I bet you don't get snow very often around there. Seems so strange to see the freeway so deserted!

Mom2Drew said...

LOVING that BnW. It emits such a great vibe.

Farrah Jobling said...

brrrr...great photos!

Tera Fraley said...

Looks cold and wintery!! Love the snowy sign!

Unknown said...

Looks pretty messy. :Burrrr...

Val said...

Brrrrrr. Cool shots!

Yvonne said...

What great pictures!! I love the second one, it looks so cold and isolated... but in a good way!!

Robyn said...

I really like the conversions and the second shot... but around here that highway would be packed! We had more snow in our first snowfall in Nov. than this! It has to snow about 6 inches or more to cause delays or cancellations here! And at that... still lots of people on the road (and in the ditch!!)

Theresa said...

Neat - you've really captured the loneliness of an empty highway in the second image.