Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Ok so almost a week has gone by since I started my new blog and I finally got a minute to take some pictures, These pictures were taken at a preserve where they hold a night photography class. These animals are real but were stuffed and are displayed for the community along with others like snakes, squirrels and other wildlife. The first one is a bob cat and the second one is a falcon I think. Considering the bad lighting in the building they came out pretty good.


barb said...

Wow! These are awesome! Where did you take them?

Lee said...

oh wow!! Where did you find this?

Andrea said...

These are really cool! I love how sharp they are.

Also, I wanted to let you know that your font color is really hard to read against the black background.

Dar Kaso said...

Great shots, kind of wierd that the animals are stuffed. But then again I would want to be that close to real thing.

Katie said...

Very cool!

Krissynae said...

very interesting photos. Love the bird. The cat has a great expression.

AmyC said...

Cool pictures, Teri! I would have assumed they were living if you hadn't told us they were stuffed! :P LOL!

Jeannette said...

Amazing shots! I was wondering how you could get so close to them before I saw that they were stuffed. LOL

Jeannette said...

Amazing shots! I was wondering how you could get so close to them before I saw that they were stuffed. LOL

Jeannette said...

Amazing shots! I was wondering how you could get so close to them before I saw that they were stuffed. LOL

Jeannette said...

Amazing shots! I was wondering how you could get so close to them before I saw that they were stuffed. LOL

Jeannette said...

Amazing shots! I was wondering how you could get so close to them before I saw that they were stuffed. LOL