Tuesday, April 17, 2007


This little thing was so hard to shoot but I think I got it. I upped the contrast a little to make the green stand out some.

Click on me to see the details

Monday, April 16, 2007

Variety of color

I was just messing around in PS and started changing the colors on this flower so this is what I came up with, you like?


Well this does nothing for me and the only reason im posting it is because it's last weeks theme and I didnt' get a chance to post anything last week. Hopefully this week I can get this weeks theme sometime before the week is over, lol.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Old Church

Im assuming this is an old church by the structure. The inside of this place looked like someone had lived in it by all the junk that was all over the place, it was kinda scary being there but DH was with me so it wasn't that bad

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Movie props

These are stored in a place right down the street from El Mirage Ca right outside of Lancaster. They are used in some movies along with other old vehicles and planes.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Got balls

Just messing around with some balls and high key.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


while driving to the movie set in Palmdale I drove past these 3 painters on the side of the road and it looked unusual so I turned around and asked if I could take their pics and they were really friendly and had no problem with me snapping a few shots.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Movie set

While driving around I found another movie set that wasn't to far from the first one I posted. Im not able to find out which movies were filmed here but the same night after I got these shots I was watching TV and the show Dirt was playing and they had a scene done at this location.